Tuesday, March 15, 2016


In my primary blog, I recently wrote about detecting traffic over a network connection for malicious activity as well as the importance of checking log files for any unlawful activity that an intruder may have made. As anyone should know, relationships to information security (InfoSec) can be categorized in two ways: offense and defense. Obviously, one's defenses against scumbags is going to be far more in-depth than offenses however, it's important to understand the offensive measures one should at least consider when working with any network whether connected to an Internet access point or a closed circuit network (CCN). To review my previous post regarding network traffic monitoring, look for the title “Consequences” in the menu at the right.

Any time a person connects their device to any network, the assumption should be made that somewhere on that network is a device monitoring, and possibly harvesting, any information being sent across that network. The unfortunate truth of this is that it is far more common than most people would suspect. We take for granted our connections to communicate with one another that we have a secure path of communication between us and our recipient when in fact the truth is far from this. Even if a person is the sole administrator of the network, this is not a guarantee that at some point, someone has not compromised that network without us knowing it. This is why network monitoring and periodic log file checking is important. Even when we do a complete scan of the entire network and all nodes on that network, unless the person is on a CCN with no Internet connection, the possibility is always going to be there. A person would have to have complete control over a closed system to insure the security of communication between nodes and this condition is both rare and unlikely.

Lets take a look at a graphic that can help bring this point across visually to better understand what's going on. The first is the average small home network and the second is the average company network. Of course, any given network can have a variety of configuration options, these are just basic examples.

Any device on either of these networks could potentially be monitoring any and all traffic that travels from one node (device) to another. As the network administrator, it is very important to monitor the flow of traffic so that any anomalies can be mitigated such as an infected device siphoning data without the users knowledge or a device which has been compromised and is being used as part of a botnet. However, there is a significant difference between monitoring the flow of data and monitoring the “data” itself. The ultimate goals here is to insure the integrity of the network and each node on that network while also allowing for the privacy of the users depending on circumstances surrounding the network application.

In most cases with a home network, very little is done to monitor traffic across the lines and security precautions are left to each user to manage their own devices and communications. The “last mile” ISP assumes “some” responsibility such as blocking certain ports, like #25 for example, to help prevent prominent malicious activity to their subscribers and firewall software built into modems helps stop lower level malicious intruders from infecting home networks. Users on the network are left to manage security on their own devices which typically comes in the form of firewalls and security software such as Norton or McAfee. These levels of security do a pretty good job, in most cases, and for the majority of users the rest is “Plug and Pray”.

Aside from the more modern “Bring Your Own Device”(BYOD) business model, the company owns all the hardware provided and actively monitors network activity on the average business network. From the workstation to exiting the network at the modem, the company assumes full responsibility for all communications and security precautions necessary to keep the corrupt out and the network clean of malware. Companies who have their “act together” will provide technology agreements to new employees who acknowledge that there should be “NO” expectation of privacy while using company owned technology or company owned networks. This has been the standard for many years with the exception of arguments over email privacy and the “Work from Home” employee. The more employees there are, the more obfuscated technology and network security becomes.

Offensively, what any user wants to insure is that communications that move to the outside of the local area network (LAN) are maintained as both secure and private. What this means is that we want to make sure that no one else on the network is intercepting or harvesting our communications. It is both possible, and unfortunately common, for bad actors with network credentials to act as “Man In The Middle” of our communications. In such situations, if an email is sent from one device, it is first intercepted by someone else on the network, read or possibly modified, then sent on to the intended recipient. The recipient replies but that reply is intercepted and read or modified then sent on. In more advanced situations, a person can even assume the identity of what would be a trusted individual to try and dupe the victim into divulging information. This is exactly the situation we want to take offensive measures against and prevent from happening. If possible, we even want to catch the corrupt and bring them to justice as well for those who are capable and so inclined to do so however, that is beyond the scope of this particular article.

The easiest offensive measure anyone can do is to start using The Onion Router (TOR) Browser. The benefit to using this browser over others is to create an encrypted connection from ones workspace to the outside world which then “bunny hops” between a number of servers from differing countries before allowing the user to explore the Internet to browse. This action provides a level of security to prevent eavesdropping on browsing activity, another well known administrative intervention on privacy. If ones workplace prevents the use of the TOR Browser then we can deduce that browsing activity is actively being monitored. The downside to using this very secure browser is the response speed and that some servers will refuse to connect to hidden activity. Some would argue that only those who are trying to hide unlawful activity use such technology while the other side of the coin argues that such technology is used as a preventative measure against privacy invasion. For those considering, it is wise to research for ones self then make an educated decision.

An alternative to using the TOR Browser is to acquire services from a VPN provider. VPN services allow for one to connect their device through a provisioned server located elsewhere so that all data transmission is encrypted from the user's device to that server then to proceed on to its intended destination as normal. This method is becoming more common as people are becoming more aware that many organizations are choosing to monitor, harvest, and in some cases MITM user communications for their own self gain. The following graphic shows how a VPN service works in a simplified manner.

VPN services are actually pretty cheap in comparison to the advantages they provide. By using such services, anytime a person is in a remote location that requires access through an unknown network, one can almost guarantee a significantly improved level of privacy and security from their network activity. The image above shows a simplified version of this. The laptop establishes an encrypted connection between itself and the VPN server and then access the Internet from that remote location. Any device between the laptop and the server which may try to monitor or intercept data only sees encrypted streams which are indecipherable and appear as a garbled mess. In most cases, less than $10 a month for a subscription fee will provide a more than adequate secure connection.

For the more technology inclined, or those who utilize their own servers such as from companies like DigitalOcean, Rackspace, or Amazon, one can simply establish a port forwarding connection between their device and their remote server. This technique is essentially the same as subscribing to a service but requires a little more technical “know how” to establish the same level of connection. While requiring a bit more wok from the user, the cost can be reduced to as little as $6 a month or less to rent a remote server instance suitable for the task. Many people who utilize this level of secure communications often use their home devices as way points for their communications when out and about. In establishing this type of way point, one must consider the implications of possible security breaches to their home devices as their ability to connect remotely also includes the potential for a malicious individual to break in. In any case, one must always weigh their threat level with caution and examine all positive and negative possibilities.  

Aside from establishing a secure connection to transmit data across, one can also focus on the security of the data itself. At this point, we begin to consider applying technologies that can insure our communications arrive at their destination undefiled, and in tact, from our device to our recipients. It is at this point we would have to include some level of encryption or digital signature which can be verified by the recipient as good or valid. This level of security requires active participation from both parties. While it's entirely possible to digitally sign communications at the user end and still have that communication be read at the recipient end without validation, doing so negates the security advantage of the applied technologies. In my years of experience with encrypted communications, I have found that an extremely small percentage of the general public is knowledgeable or capable of applying such security technologies and thus one should not assume a recipients compliance to verify against such protocols regardless of application.  

Lets consider a few scenarios in which encrypted communication can and should be applied by default as well as the benefits and pitfalls of applying such technologies. Applying technologies such as GnuPG to encrypt ones communication prior to being sent across any network is as easy as installing a program then following step-by-step instructions. Decades ago, this was a lengthy and complicated task that only a very small few who worked at the highest security levels would consider applying. However, in light of recent events and thanks to developers, applying such security technologies has advanced to a level of ease that even young school children can master and apply. The following are only a couple of examples where encryption of communications or applying a verifiable digital signature can be beneficial to the average user who understands and is aware of the pitfalls associated with insecure networks.

The average public school actively monitors all communications across their networks. They look for signs of harassment, illegal activity, emotionally troubled students, and academic integrity (cheating). In an “ideal” world, this would be the extent to which monitoring of communications would be active to insure the integrity of the administration and the student body. However, network administrators are human just like anyone else and are just as prone to corruption as anyone else. We must always remember that “hard access is full access” and a corrupt administrator (even in a public school) can access most forms of data at varying levels as well as cover their tracks from supervisors if necessary. Suppose a “good friend” of one of the schools network administrators has trouble with their boyfriend who cheated on her and wants to get “even”? Suppose a corrupt administrator wants the position as an instructor that pays better? What if a failing student absolutely “needs” to pass a certain class or a corrupt instructor is passing students who in all reality shouldn't be? The list of possibilities can go on for a long time. What can we do to protect ourselves from corruption at the network administration level in a public school?

One could potentially change to a different school. This may be an option for some, but in many cases, changing schools is not an option as the next closest school may be too far away. Maybe file a complaint with the school? This may be an option but don't count on the complaint getting too far unless one has undeniable, conclusive evidence to support their claim. Public school network administrators are part of a labor union. The labor unions assign individuals to act as defense attorneys to protect jobs, even in the case of corruption. The best one could expect from a complaint might be a slap on the wrist to the administrator unless the collected evidence is compelling enough to elicit real legal action by way of attorney. One must also consider that the corruption may go as high as the school president in some cases. It's unfortunate and may seem the “odds are against” but taking offensive precautions can help prevent such atrocities.

One simple precaution a person can take is to digitally sign communications used in public schools. Digitally signing can at least certify that any communication from ones device was in fact originated from that person and delivered across the network to its recipient unmodified from its original form. Any individual with the public key of the author can verify the integrity of the communication. Should the verification process fail, then evidence shows conclusively that the communication has been tampered with sometime during transmission. Digitally signing, and not fully encrypting, allows “plain text” communications to be stored and potentially reviewed should any problems arise that would require review of communications between two parties. Only digitally signed communications can be considered as trustworthy since unsigned communications are, for all intensive purposes, suspect of forgery. One should also be wary of digital communication platforms provided that do not provide a means of digitally signing communications. Many public school administrations pass on providing these securities as they are “options” to their adopted platforms to which they feel the added technology and expense are unnecessary. In essence, it tilts the security in favor of possible corruption within the system.  

Another scenario includes communications between government entities and contractors. Competing contractors, corrupt employees, foreign governments, or possibly even ISP personnel could potentially intercept communications between two points. Communications could be modified to tilt in a competitor's favor or for the financial gain of said entities. In such a scenario, fully encrypted communications would be more beneficial. Remember the news article of the cell carrier employee who monitored the US President's instant messaging contacts? Realistically, there is little one can do to protect their personal or business interests against such corruption other than taking offensive precautions with our information to insure private communication with their intended recipient. In comparison, ones digital communications are like sending a message through the mail on either a post card or in a security envelop. The choice is ultimately up to the sender to the degree that they determine what their security needs are and what their proposed threat level is.

Ultimately each company or individual must decide for themselves what level of communication security is appropriate for them. There is an old saying within the technology field that states “security and simplicity are not good bedfellows”. The greater level of offensive security is always going to mean a decrease in user simplicity and one must always give way for the other. Often, ignorance to the possibility gives way to simplicity until a person actually experiences the ramifications associated with not applying the necessary level of security. In most cases, and with most people, it's a “live and learn” scenario. Just the “thought” of the scenarios proposed are enough to make a person's stomach turn and more times than not we have to have faith that these types of things are not happening. The unfortunate truth is that they happen more frequently than many would want to admit or even think about.

For further reading and understanding of applying digitally signed or encrypted communications, read the following blog post or research “the benefits of digitally signing or encrypting”.
